Two years prior to this book being launched, my wife and I had the opportunity to pray for a lady who was battling terminal cancer. In that moment, we shared with her the profound truth of what Jesus' body endured on the cross, and how the cup symbolizes His pure, unblemished, and precious blood. We believed that as she consumed the emblems representing the body and blood of Jesus, a miraculous infusion took place within her own bloodstream. We trusted that this infusion would eradicate every cancerous cell, bringing about complete healing. Fast-forwarding three years later, we had the privilege of seeing her once again. To our immense joy and gratitude, she stood before us as a living testimony of God's healing power. She was completely free from cancer. This remarkable journey serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of faith and the miraculous healing that can manifest through Holy Communion. It is a testament to the truth that Jesus' sacrifice on the cross continues to bring forth restoration and wholeness in the lives of those who believe.
Adrian & Ingrid
New Zealand
I am filled with awe and gratitude after reading "Remember Me." It was an anointed and inspired journey that I intentionally savoured, allowing its timely message to deeply resonate within me. The prayer for healing, in particular, carried such a powerful anointing that tears streamed down my face as I immersed myself in that chapter. As I engaged in the act of Holy Communion while reading, something extraordinary happened. In those sacred moments, I received not only healing in my body but also a breakthrough in my life. The passages I read served as a poignant reminder of the pain that Jesus endured in His own body, mirroring the challenges I have been facing. It was a privilege to have encountered this book and its transformative message. This book has touched my heart and soul in ways I cannot fully express. It has reignited my faith and reminded me of the power of healing and breakthroughs that can be found through communion.
Cape Town
South Africa
I took communion with a group of people, and there was a young lady who suffered from severe pain in her jaw due to her jaw locking up when she eats or smiles. She had this condition for a long time and had to see a Chiropractor regularly for relief from the pain. While sharing around Holy Communion straight out of the book, a warmth came over her jaw and she was completely healed…now that’s a miracle!
I wanted to share my excitement with you - my book arrived today! I couldn't wait to dive into "Remember Me," and I must say, it was an incredible experience. I was so engrossed in the book that I finished it in just an hour and a half. However, I must admit that half an hour of that time was spent shedding tears of emotion. "Remember Me" is an absolute inspiration. It has touched me deeply and has profoundly influenced the way I approach and experience Holy Communion. Your writing has the power to transform lives, and I am immensely grateful for the impact it has had on me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating such a remarkable book. Your words have left an indelible mark on my soul, and I will forever cherish this reading experience.
Wanaka (New Zealand)
During a visit from a nurse, an unexpected turn of events occurred. She began experiencing stomach aches, followed by vomiting and the onset of a fever. Her face turned red, and her body was covered in a sheen of sweat. Sensing the urgency, I shared with her my intention to partake in Holy Communion for her healing. We turned to the chapter on taking communion in your book, and as I read about the immense suffering Jesus endured for us, I spoke words of faith and healing over her. With faith and conviction, I declared that she would receive her healing in the name of Jesus. We proceeded to partake in the communion meal, offering up prayers of faith. When I opened my eyes and looked at her, I was astounded to see her face restored to its normal colour, and the fever had vanished. She, too, opened her eyes, gazed at me in wonder, and exclaimed, "Wow, this is a miracle! Praise God! “I am so grateful to you, Adrian, for writing this anointed book. It has been a catalyst for such a powerful encounter with God's healing grace.
Cape Town (South Africa)
I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to God for you and this truly blessed and anointed book. I had the pleasure of reading it tonight, and I was captivated by its beautiful writing style and its ease of understanding. The pages were filled with so much life and truth that I am already eager to read it again. I am deeply moved by the profound impact this book has had on me, and I feel compelled to share its blessings with everyone I know. I will wholeheartedly encourage others to purchase a copy, as I believe that everyone needs to experience the transformative power of its message. Thank you for being a vessel of God's blessings. I am grateful for you, and the incredible blessing that you have brought into the world through this book. May it continue to touch the lives of many and spread the light of truth far and wide.
Kapiti (New Zealand)
I wanted to share my heartfelt appreciation for the profound experience I had while reading your book on Holy Communion. It was truly a moving journey that brought me a new revelation and deepened my understanding of this sacred practice. In particular, I was touched by the footnote about the author, where you shared your challenges in writing this book. Your honesty and vulnerability inspired me to pursue my own writing aspirations, and I'm thrilled to say that I have just finished my first draft. I am immensely grateful for the inspiration your book has provided me. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and insights through your writing. Your words have had a profound impact on my life, and I am grateful for the revelational experience I had while reading your book.
I wanted to share an incredible testimony that occurred during a recent communion gathering. Among the group was a young lady who had been suffering from severe jaw pain for a significant period of time. Her jaw would lock up whenever she ate or smiled, causing immense discomfort. To find relief, she had been regularly visiting a chiropractor. While sharing Communion straight from the pages of the book, something truly remarkable happened. A warm sensation enveloped her jaw, and in that very moment, she experienced a complete healing. It was an undeniable miracle! Witnessing such a miraculous occurrence was overwhelming. The power of Holy Communion, combined with the faith, brought about this miraculous healing. It serves as a testament to the incredible wonders that can occur when we come together in faith and partake in Holy Communion.
Christchurch (New Zealand)
I wanted to share an extraordinary experience we had while administering communion and offering prayers from the book to two critically ill ladies in separate hospital visits. These individuals were in a precarious condition, with doctors struggling to stabilize their health. Their families were called in, fearing the worst. However, after partaking in Holy Communion with them and engaging in heartfelt prayers, a remarkable shift occurred. The very next day, all their vital signs miraculously returned to normal. The doctors were left astounded, unable to comprehend what had transpired. One of the ladies was discharged from the hospital the following day, while the other required an additional 24 hours of monitoring before being discharged. This incredible turn of events can only be described as miraculous. Witnessing the power of Holy Communion and the impact of fervent prayers on these individuals' lives was incredibly inspiring. It serves as a testament to the divine intervention that can occur when faith is combined with the sacred act of Holy Communion. We are humbled and grateful to have been a part of such an encounter. AG - New Zealand
New Zealand

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